Nuclear, Know-how
In close collaboration with EDF, TECHWAY has developed a non-invasive live core inspection solution for fuel maintenance.
Since 2012, TECHWAY benefits from an exclusive partnership with EDF around a patented algorithm. From this collaboration came NOTURB®, a multi-purposes video tool dedicated to live nuclear core inspection for subaquatic environments where thermal turbulences are a major problem.
Proven and approved by his users, NOTURB® is a real-time calculation station deployed in all French nuclear power plants. Available for export, NOTURB® is regularly renewed to adapt to the field needs.
With this experience, TECHWAY has developed real-time video filtering software dedicated to all applications where video sensors are damaged by external conditions.
NOTURB® : nuclear core inspection tool
Overview NOTURB® station is a real-time video deblurring and processing system specially designed for live nuclear core inspection. It enhances image quality by removing thermal blur thanks to a uniqu...